Guided Tours
in the Elbe Region
Elbe Land Safari Tours
... the little adventure on the doorstep for the whole family!
Be like a real explorer on a ''safari'' and observe wild animals... don't have to travel to Africa for that. The Niedersächsische Elbtal floodplain biosphere reserve offers numerous animal and plant species an ideal retreat.
Your certified nature and landscape guide Florian Baier awaits you for your discovery tour!
Duration: 2 hours
Location: varies eg Brackede, Barförde
Appointments: individually
You can download the flyer for the tour here:

TI Samtgemeinde Scharnebeck
Florian Baier
Tel.: +49 04136 907 7500 oder
01573 0228 111
See the world differently
See the world in a different way - immerse yourself in details, enjoy nature or the landscape in peace - I cordially invite you to do this as part of my tours through the Neuhaus office.
"Tour de Storch"
A bike ride from stork nest to stork nest
(April - August)
"Geese and Eagles"
Hikes to the resting places of the Nordic guest birds
"About life behind the border fence"
The inner German border has determined the life of the people in the Neuhaus district for over 40 years. The bike tour offers an insight into the former border fence and today's "Green Belt"
"Marschhufendorf and border history"
Guided tour through the Marschhufendörfer Konau and Popelau
"On the trail of nature"
Children's nature tours to beavers and Co.
Duration: 2-3 hours depending on the tour
Location: Amt Neuhaus / Elbe
Dates: all year round

Sabine Wittkopf
Alte Molkereistraße 4
19273 Neuhaus
Tel .: +49 38841 61377
Art, culture and a grandiose nature
The Lower Saxony Elbe Valley Biosphere Reserve is just around the corner from Hamburg. Berlin and Hanover are a little further away, but then - ride, cycle or hike with me on the trail of sustainable living. We meet artists, farmers and resisters around the topic of Gorleben - so every tour becomes a unique experience. On the way we might meet beavers or storks that are looking for food, and in light-flooded forests the stress of the big city seems far away.
As a trained and studied tourism expert, PR specialist and event manager, I got to know the world and now live in this most beautiful river landscape in Germany.
My tours can only be booked for groups of six or more people, whether on foot, by bike or by car / bus. Several days with accommodation and meals are possible. All prices on request.

Sabine Kulau
certified natural and agricultural union leader
Tel .: +49 5855 9791919
Mobile: 0170 9320002
People and nature on the Elbe
Bats at dusk, beavers as landscapers, sea eagles, geese, blue frogs and of course the storks ...
The natural and cultural landscape on the Elbe is diverse - I'll show you: on foot, by bike or bus, as a relaxed excursion with exciting information or as an educational holiday on regional development in the biosphere reserve.
Duration: from a short view over the dike and an introduction to the biosphere to a 5-day bike tour
Costs: from 35 € / hour. or € 200 / day, VB depending on the effort
Dates: according to your ideas, all year round

Klaus Koerth
Graduated geographer
Am Hafen 12
21354 Bleckede
Tel .: +49 05852 2560
Mobile: 0160 91831324
Through the meadow using all your senses
Enjoy moments in which life breathes deeply and comfortably, far away from stress and the hustle and bustle! On foot, by bike, or on a combined tour by boat or raft, you can embark on exciting discovery tours through the meadows and marshes of the Biosphere Reserve.
Be prepared for close-up nature experiences! Be it the clatter of a stork, the singing of a nightingale, the scent of meadowsweet and night violet, the softness of a willow catkin, the taste of an old apple variety, a visit to an "Arche farm", or the discovery of a beaver or sea eagle – sensual experiences paired with playful transfer of knowledge about nature and culture await you along the way!
Duration: from 3 hours up to full-day or multi-day tours
Location: by arrangement
Cost: €50/hour or €250/day
Dates: all year round

Nicola Mahnke
Experience nature with pleasure
Am Rießel 14
29549 Bad Bevensen
Handy: +49 152 276 820 82
Elbe beef and Elbe beaver
A guided tour of wild and domesticated farm animals in the Elbe flood plain.
The Elbvorland (Elbe foreland) begins directly behind the dyke in the historic linear village (Marschhufendorf) of Radegast, in the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. Here we can experience rare animals and plants. Our path leads us to hidden beaver castles and grazing Dexter cattle, which contribute to flood protection on the Elbe.
The guided tour is barrier-free and especially suitable for people who need assistance.
Anja v. Marées:
"My husband and I run a small organic farm with Dexter cattle. We offer holidays for people who need assistance. The family, the guests, and the animals all live under one roof in a Lower Saxony house from the year 1736".
- Agriculturalist in the socio-educational field
- Certified nature and landscape guide since 2015
- Further training in animal-supported promotion
Duration: 2 hours
Location: Meeting point on the dyke at no. 19
Cost: 5 € per person
Dates: upon request (max. 10 participants), all year round

Rafting experience tours, old livestock breeds, and much more
With a raft on the Elbe you can experience the natural and cultural landscape and the particularly diverse flora and fauna from a completely different perspective.
A guided tour through the Arche Centre Amt Neuhaus / information house for the Lower Saxony Elbe Floodplain Biosphere Reserve, including information about the first "Elbe river landscape Arche region" with its old and endangered livestock breeds and crop varieties.
Other interesting guided tours upon request.
Dr. Siegrun Hogelücht, born and raised in Geesthacht, studied in Hamburg and has lived in Rosien/Amt Neuhaus since 1999. She has the motto: "Once on the Elbe – always on the Elbe".
Duration: according to offer and wish
Location: Amt Neuhaus and surroundings
Cost: depending on offer
Dates: fixed dates and bookings all year round, depending on the offer

Haus des Gastes
Tourist information office Neuhaus
Dr. Siegrun Hogelücht
Elbstraße 11
19273 Neuhaus / Konau
Tel .: +49 38841 60760
Border crossings in Konau
Experience the inner-German border in a very special natural and cultural landscape. The tour starts in Konau linear village (Marschhufendorf) with its beautifully renovated farmsteads. Continue on the dyke along the former border past a grey heron colony to a former border tower. Depending on the season, you will see stork, red-bellied toad, and Nordic migratory birds along the way. Exhibitions on border history and forced resettlements leave a vivid impression of life on the border.
Holger Hogelücht was born 1960 in Hamburg. "I spent the first 40 years of my life there. At the end of 1999 my wife and I moved to Rosien/Amt Neuhaus. Since 2013 I have been in charge of the Tourist-Info in Neuhaus and am otherwise active as a marketing consultant with a focus on the Internet, as well as a painter and musician".
Duration: 2 hours
Location: Konau
Cost: upon request
Dates: all year round upon request

Haus des Gastes
Holger Hogelücht
Tourist information office Neuhaus
Elbstraße 11
19273 Neuhaus / Konau
Tel .: +49 38841 60760
Mob .: +49 171 825 5037
Around Karoxbostel watermill
Between Seeve and Mühlenbach: guided tours around Karoxbostel watermill and on a nearby domestic animal arche farm. With in-depth insights into the monuments and interesting stories from bygone days. For all those who are interested in the history of our beautiful homeland on the border between Marsch and Geest and want to know more about sustainable agriculture.
Carsten Weede (born 1962): Nature lover with hunting licence, co-founder of the association Wassermühle Karoxbostel, qualified historian, editor, certified nature and countryside guide, manager of an organic farm.
Duration: 1,5 to 2 hours
Location: Water Mill Karoxbostel, Karoxbosteler Chaussee 51, 21218 Seevetal (Elb-Shuttle Stop Karoxbostel and HVV-Stop)
Dates: all year by appointment
Stork and smelt: guided tours to the heralds of spring in Winsen Elbe Marsh.
Duration: 1,5 to 2 hours
Location: Hoopte Ferry terminal
Kosten: Adults: €7.50, children from 6 years: €2, Groups of 10 or more persons: €5
Dates: Mid-March to mid-May upon agreement

Carsten Weede
Henry-Henschen-Allee 1
21218 Seevetal
Mob .: +49 157 5034 4699
Nature adventure, a raft trip on the river Elbe
The Elbe river in the middle of Lower Saxony Elbe Floodplain Biosphere Reserve determines the route for us. During the raft trip the guests are introduced to the natural and cultural landscape with its diversity and phenomena. We take into account that certain things can be perceived differently during the seasons or are not present depending on the time of year and day, such as storks, beavers, or white-tailed eagles.
Manfred Ruffing, operator of Elbe rafting tours (Elbe-Floßfahrten), certified nature and countryside guide since 2015, and his team of five certified nature and countryside guides offer a nature tour by raft on the Elbe.
Duration: 2 hours
Location: Elbe from Darchau
Cost: upon request
Dates: Sundays from 14:00-16:00 or by appointment from May to October

Manfred Ruffing
Elbe raft trips
Rosengartenweg 1
19273 Neuhaus
Tel .: +49 38 841 611 55
Am östlichen Elbufer, im ehemaligen Schutzstreifen der DDR-Grenze, bieten drei Beobachtungstürme und ein Bunker moder-ne Ausstellungen für Erwachsene, Familien und Schulklassen.
An Mitmach-Stationen, über QR-Codes und in eindrucksvollen historischen Fotografien erzählen die Ausstellungen drinnen und draußen Grenzgeschichte(n).
Die Ausstellungen bieten Informationen, bewahren Erinnerungen von einheimischen Zeitzeugen und laden zur eigenen Auseinander-setzung mit Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft ein.
In Neu Bleckede und Darchau sind die Grenztürme frisch saniert und können auf steilen Treppen erkundet werden, neue Perspekti-ven auf die Fluss- und Erinnerungslandschaft inklusive. Ein ehe-maliger Beobachtungsbunker ist in Neu Bleckede wieder errichtet worden und kann beim Ausstellungsbesuch betreten werden.
Der Grenzzaun am Grenzturm Popelau lässt die Wirkung der Grenzanlage in Ausschnitten aufscheinen – heute steht die Natur an diesem Grenzort unter Schutz.
Grenzturm und Bunker Neu Bleckede, Grenzturm Darchau:
Besichtigung und Führungen auf Anfrage.
Die Außenangebote der Ausstellungen sind rund um die Uhr zugänglich.
Von April bis September sind die Grenztürme in Neu Bleckede und Darchau jeden 3. Sonntag im Monat in der Zeit von 14.30 bis ca. 16 Uhr geöffnet. In Absprache können Gruppenführungen zu individuellen Terminen durchgeführt werden. Die Begehung der Grenztürme ist kostenfrei.
Quelle: Text und Bildmaterial

Manfred Ruffing
Elbe raft trips
Rosengartenweg 1
19273 Neuhaus
Tel .: +49 38 841 611 55